My Short Film ‘Portal’ Premieres at The Wrong Biennale
I am honored to share that my short film Portal was selected to premiere at The Wrong, an international art biennial with viewership in the millions. Portal is housed in We've Been Dreaming About A Magical Jungle — one of the pavilions comprising the 6th edition of The Wrong, on view from November 1, 2023 to March 1, 2024.

My Artist Interview on ‘Digital Arts Blog’
My mental health journey is a central part of my identity that also tremendously inspires my art practice. I’m neurodivergent with clinical diagnoses of Bipolar I Disorder and ADHD.
A Conversation With Leah Thomas, Intersectional Environmentalist
Leah Thomas, founder of the Intersectional Environmentalist platform, joins world leaders, policymakers, and fellow activists to convene about climate action for the United Nations’ twenty-sixth Conference of the Parties, known as COP26.

World is Not on Track to Achieve Global Deforestation Goals
Increased rates of large-scale infrastructure development and natural resource extraction threaten forests, and the global demand for both industries is only growing as global population climbs.

COVID-19: Universities Must Compensate Students for Their Losses
Why should I pay nearly $80,000 for an in-person Columbia degree only to take online courses when I could pay a fraction of that price for a virtual graduate program?

Biden vs. Sanders: Who Has the Better Plan to Fix Climate Change?
Between the two current Democratic frontrunners, who has the best plan to confront climate change?

No ‘Space’ for Earth in Newly Released Presidential Budget
The White House recently released the president’s fiscal year 2020 budget proposal with plans to increase funding NASA by 12 percent, totaling $25.2 billion.
The “Right” Whale to Save
More than 2 percent of the entire North Atlantic right whale population has died in 2019, with the population now hovering around 400.

“Home Away From Haiti” Documentary Film
“Home Away From Haiti” is a documentary film that I wrote, filmed, and edited about the Haitian immigrant community in Mount Olive, North Carolina.