\ i hold a jar of galaxies /


\ i hold a jar of galaxies / 🫙🌌🌀


(and the galaxies hold me)

🌀🌌🫙 (and the galaxies hold me)

alchemizing suffering into serenity,

i solidify my complete metamorphosis.

My lifelong journey as an artist has been profoundly transformative, leading me to discover healing, empowerment, and self-love. Recently, I have been confronting shadows of a traumatic past, actively seeking to transmute my perspective in a way that both celebrates and honors my inner child. 

\ i hold a jar of galaxies /

Inspired by the multiverse theory and the idea of reality shifting, this endeavor represents a model of rebirth and personal liberation created through coupling the acts of destruction and transformation. \ i hold a jar of galaxies / is a multimedia series in development featuring both physical and time-based works where I actively transform my interpretations of the past and liberate my inner child from former narratives rooted in suffering.

The project involves deconstructing old journals, photographs, and legal records documenting an array of traumatic experiences: from childhood abuse I endured to subsequent mandatory stays in psychiatric wards. Next, I imagine new possibilities for these deconstructed elements, combining them together into magical worlds centered around rebirth and metamorphosis.

Through these radical yet cathartic acts of destruction and regeneration, I literally dismantle former conceptions I held of myself and my reality — replacing them with new memories from this experience of self-empowerment and creation. 

alchemizing suffering into serenity,

i solidify my complete metamorphosis.

UPDATE: I have been selected as a 2024 Artist Resident at Hunter Moon Homestead where I will complete

\ i hold a jar of galaxies /


The process behind Quantum Leap (pictured above) exemplifies my creative method rooted in transformative liberation:

>>>I began by gathering all printed photographs from my childhood, arranging them face-up across the floor.

>>>Ensuring that I took intentional deep breathes and water breaks as needed, I then proceeded to cut my abuser out of every photo in which he appeared.

>>>With scissors in hand, I proceeded to cut him into tiny indistinguishable fragments that I piled together before discarding in a dumpster outside (accompanied by a long exhale of relief).

>>>Once back in my studio, I took time to intentionally admire and appreciate the resulting liberation photos of my child self—eternally free from harm.

>>>I documented these liberation photos before I digitally collaged them, uniting my past selves with rainbows to bridge time and space.

alchemizing suffering into serenity,

i solidify my complete metamorphosis.