My prismatic mural ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ begins with a rainbow seemingly confined to a recurring pattern that it eventually liberates itself from – free-flowing into fluid forms. This design represents how I feel about my own sexuality. My attraction and love for another are based on a deep connection as opposed to body type or gender identity. I find that attempting to confine this feeling to a specific label or categorize it into a box is simply inadequate – no matter how much society pushes me to do so. In my opinion, PRIDE is about being free to express who you truly are. It is about loving yourself and your unique identity while honoring others for theirs. It is my hope that my mural ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ reminds viewers that their unique identities are all beautiful and worthy of love and respect.
I’m incredibly grateful to MINT for the opportunity to create this meaningful and uplifting project as well as for their continual support of all that Pride encompasses.
Special thanks to my mom Teri Capshaw and my partner Hunter Maher for their love, support, and assistance in completing this mural.